Monday, December 2, 2013

The City of Elizabeth New Jersey and Criminal Law

The City of Elizabeth (Union County)New Jersey according to the 2012 census had a documented population of 126,458 people.  Because of the large population of undocumented and illegal residences the City of Elizabeth population is likely doubled that amount to a population of a quarter-million.

The city is the home of many immigrants from South and Central American countries including the largest being from Columbia.

The City of Elizabeth is has it share of street crimes ranging from homicides, drive-by-shootings, to petty thefts and burglaries. 

Because the City of Elizabeth is known for its high-end and glamorous Latin night clubs the City of Elizabeth attracts young Hispanic men and women from throughout the New Jersey and New York Metropolitan areas.

With this large influx of young party people brings also its share of crimes, which range from assault, date-rape, controlled dangerous substances charges (CDS), sexual assault, DWI, DUI, eluding, fighting, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, hindering apprehension and other disorderly persons or felonies.

The police in the City of Elizabeth are also known for being aggressive and are known to not deescalate but escalate every encounter.  Further, unlike most major cities off-duty Elizabeth police officers moon-lite in the cities nightclubs, which cause additional problems when an argument ensues between a club bouncer and a patron.  In most cases if the bouncer starts to beat a patron, the off-duty officer will take the bouncers side or simple join in the beating.  Therefore, typically, in the City of Elizabeth, when a fight starts and the police are summoned, be prepared for a resisting arrest, or assault on an officer charge. 

If you have been caught-up in a party night in the City of Elizabeth which has lead to your arrest call the Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., it might be the best decision you make.

Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr.
P.O. Box 261
277 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, N.J. 07207
Office:   (908) 354-7006
Cell:     (201) 240-5716 (24/7 emergencies)

Quote of the Day: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law in the name of justice.”  Charles De Montesquieu

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