Republican Senators made a Big Mistake Letting
a Prosecutor Question Ms. Ford.
Why did the senators retain a prosecutor (Ms.
Mitchell) to question Ms. Ford, and not a competent criminal defense attorney
to cross-examine Ms. Ford?
As soon as I learned a few days ago that the
republican senators retained a state prosecutor to cross-examine Ms. Ford, I
knew it was a big mistake. And after watching the hearings and her performance
it is apparent that I was right.
Prosecutors are excellent with direct examination,
but most are horrible at cross-examination, because in reality with most trials
they have little opportunity and experience with cross-examining witnesses.
Cross-examination is the art and the bread and butter of CRIMINAL DEFENSE
ATTORNEYS, in which their cases rise or fall on their ability to discredit the
state's or government's witnesses.
The republicans with their competent legal
staffs could have framed vigorous and cutting questions, much better than
prosecutor Mitchell, who is basically only asking direct questions, which are
not exposing her inconsistencies and bias towards Judge Kavanaugh.
If I was cross-examining Ms. Ford the first
question I would ask is why in her opening statement she repeatedly called him
Mr. Kavanaugh and not Judge Kavanaugh. Further, knowing what she allegedly claims
he did to her, why did she not follow his career, or look him up, google him,
and knowing that he seat on the DC Circuit, never raised this issues with the
authorities. The little admission or omission by Ms. Ford could have opened the
door with probing questions as her level of prejudice and hatred against Judge
Kavanaugh, in which she did NOTHING ABOUT FOR 36 YEARS.