Friday, August 9, 2013


August 9, 2013, Elizabeth, New Jersey

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has finally decided to vote on a resolution after 10-years to stop phone companies such as Global Tel Link (GTL) from overcharging attorneys and inmates and their families for phone service from county and state prisons.  For years this company and others have been paying the prisons with kickbacks and other incentives for the privilege to rip off inmates who need to communicate with their criminal defense attorneys. 

By way of example a one-hour phone call can cost over $60.00, and collect calls even higher.  These phone companies have a captive audience and take full advantage of that fact.  It is cheaper for my clients to call Asia from the Union County Jail than to call my office six blocks away from the jail in Elizabeth.

Today the FCC will vote to cap these exorbitant fees and hopefully they will do more to monitor these companies from ripping off criminal defense attorneys, inmates and their families.

Thank you for acting FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn for finally taking action to help protect our most vulnerable are incarcerated citizens.

“If you want peace work for justice.”  Pope John Paul, I

Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr.
P.O. Box 261
277 North Broad Street
Elizabeth (Union County) New Jersey 07207
Office Phone Number (908) 354-7706
Cell Phone Number   (201) 240-5716

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Governor Christie Likely to Sign Bill Allowing First time Offenders Conditional Discharge for Disorderly and Petty Disorderly Offenses in Municipal Court

For the first time, if the governor signs the bill, persons charged with municipal court offenses will have the opportunity to apply for conditional discharge or PTI (as known in Superior Court).  Under the proposed bill first time offenders, if approved by the prosecutor will have the opportunity to be admitted into a diversionary program and a period of probation, of up to one-year, in which after successfully completing the program will have the case dismissed.  This will be a great boast to individuals who might have an immigration problem because of their legal status by pleading guilty to a disorderly person’s offense.  Also, this proposed law will be helpful for individuals whom have professions or jobs which would disqualify them from employment if convicted of any disorderly person’s offense.

Under the propose law only individuals who have never had PTI or a previous conditional discharge are eligible.  Further, this new alternative diversionary program is not available to persons charged with DWI, among other charges.

This is a public service blog provided to the people from the Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., Esq.

August 1, 2013

Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., Esq.
277 North Broad Street
P.O. Box 261
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Telephone No. (908) 354-7006