Monday, March 6, 2017

Under the Bail Reform Act, Prosecutor Must Provide All Discovery for the Bail Detention Hearing

Prepared as a Public Service by the Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr.

     The Appellate Division settled the issue under the new Bail Reform Act as to whether the State was obligated to provide all discovery in its possession for a detention hearing.  The State in numerous cases objected believing that it could cherry pick what discovery to turn over to the defense.

     In State v. Robinson, the appellate division settled that issue holding that under the Bail Reform Act the prosecutor must turn over all discovery in its possession. Which includes all discovery in the hands of the law enforcement agencies investigated the alleged crime.

     Under the Bail Reform law the State can move for a detention hearing if the State deems that the defendant is a danger to society.
Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., Esq.
Union County Criminal Defense Attorney
(908) 354-7006

Quote of the day.
“God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose.”  Those who choose repose receive release from the mandates of truth; but it is only temporary. No man or woman can reject truth forever.  Those who choose truth, on the other hand, have no rest—and so they continue to fight for justice.  Ralph Waldo Emerson.   

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