Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies Expungement Laws Regarding Juvenile Convictions, Making It Easier for Adults to Obtain an Expungement of their Adult Convictions.

In another great decision by the esteemed New Jersey Supreme Court In the Matter of the Expungement Application of D.J.B., our highest court held that two juvenile convictions plus one adult conviction, plus two disorderly person’s offenses, equals the expungement of all the disorderly persons and adult convictions.  Because juvenile records are sealed those records are automatically sealed and unavailable to the public. 

This ruling will now make it possible for people with one adult conviction of a crime, and up-to two municipal court disorderly person’s convictions, to obtain an expungement of their adult conviction, even if they have multiple juvenile convictions.

If you are in need for an expungement you are urged to contact the Law Office of Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., who has 23-years of helping people obtain an expungement of their criminal records and obtain a fresh start with their life.  Today, people with adult criminal conviction are often precluded from obtaining lawful gainful employment, because the vast majority of employers will not offer employment with anyone with a criminal record, regardless of the age of the conviction, or type of conviction.  Retaining an experienced New Jersey expungement attorney is your first step in obtaining an expungement.  Further, be careful and be sure that you are eligible for the expungement before you pay the attorney for the fee for the expungment. 

P.O. Box 261
277 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, N.J. 07207
(908) 354-7006

NJ Expungement Attorneys, Union, Essex, Hudson, Elizabeth New Jersey Criminal Law Defense Attorney, Union County Criminal Law Attorney, Essex County Criminal Law Attorney, Hudson County Criminal Law Attorney, Middlesex  County Criminal Law Defense Attorney

January 22, 2014

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